Technology gives us great advantages in our lives. Among them:
Fast access to information: Jende gehiagok erabaki hobeak hartzen lagun diezaieketen datu gehiago eskura ditzakete. Gainera,webgune edo gailuen bidez, edonork izan dezake edozein ezagutza mota.
Facilitates communication: They facilitate communication, reducing distances not only in the personal sphere, but also in the workplace, with a direct impact on the economy.
Improved entertainment: Sare sozialetan eta bideojokoetan askoz interakzio hobea eta lehen eduki kontsumitzaileak zirenak orain sortzaile izateko aukera.
Transportation improvements:They allow more people to be transported to new destinations in less time.
New jobs: As technology advances, problems arise that require innovative solutions, which creates job opportunities.
Facilitates educational processes: 90% of education leaders believe that technology makes students more imaginative and creative, and 80% think they are more productive. As for students, there are many applications that make the work of learning more fun.
In addition, technology is useful for many other things in education. For example: The possibility of developing new teaching methods:
- Access to alternative teaching materials
- Promoting teamwork
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Developing critical thinking
- Streamlining and improving communication
- Preparing students for the future
- It improves communication between teachers and parents
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